My 17-page 2025 Winter Reading Guide is live! The guide contains 45 recent and upcoming releases plus new titles in book series, fiction/nonfiction pairings, stellar mystery series and some anticipated spring and summer releases. All of these will make great reads for this winter and many are books you won’t see many other places; I strive to find those under-the-radar gems. If you are interested, fill out the Google form and submit a tip of your choosing.

Behind The Scenes Episodes

Sept. 2, 2022

Interview with Brian Contine - Penguin Adult Field Rep

In this Behind the Scenes interview, Brian provides an inside look at working as a Penguin Adult Field Rep for Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado, how he got started, the imprints he sells, the must-see independent bookstores he loves, how he decides what he will recommend in his role as a field rep, de…

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Aug. 4, 2022

Interview with Tess Day - Director of Publicity, Zibby Books

In this Behind the Scenes interview, Tess provides an inside look at working as a publicist at a start-up publishing company, her path to publicity, what a typical workday looks like, how her role differs at Zibby Books from her role at previous publishing companies, and much more.

Listen to the Episode
July 7, 2022

Interview with Jon Baker - President, Baker Literary Scouting

In this Behind the Scenes interview, Jon provides an inside look at his job as a literary scout, how he got started and why he launched his own company, celebrity book club selection, the way the streaming industry has changed his job, the impact of Netflix on foreign markets, and much more.

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June 2, 2022

Interview with Elina Cohen - Senior Designer, HarperCollins

In this interview, Elina provides an inside look at designing a book's interior including the fonts, spacing, title page, spine dye, formatting, endpapers, and more, what the job entails and how she got started, juggling the page count with everything that has to be included, and much more.

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May 5, 2022

Interview with Heather Lazare - Editorial and Publishing Consultant

In this interview, Heather provides an inside look at the editorial process and how she got started, what the job entails, the Northern California Writers' Retreat, her favorite and least favorite aspects of the job, writing a good query letter, and much more.

Listen to the Episode
April 7, 2022

Interview with Fareeda Bullert - Senior Marketing Manager, Berkley

In this interview, Fareeda provides an inside look at marketing in the publishing world and discusses how she got started in marketing, her favorite part and least favorite part of her job, finding the right audience for each book, measuring the success of her efforts, and much more.

Listen to the Episode
March 3, 2022

Caroline Hewitt - Audiobook Narrator

Caroline and I discuss her role as an audiobook narrator, how she got started, the process for getting hired to narrate a particular book, the way she prepares to record, the biggest challenges she faces as a narrator, protecting her voice, AI narrators, and much more.

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 3, 2022

Kristin van Ogtrop - Literary Agent

Kristin and I discuss her role as a literary agent, tips for how to find a literary agent, the process for pitching a book to an agent, exclusive submissions and pre-empt deals, the step-by-step process for how a book gets sold, and much more.

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