Interview with Elizabeth Passarella - IT WAS AN UGLY COUCH ANYWAY

In this interview, Elizabeth and I discuss It Was an Ugly Couch Anyway, narrating her audiobook, getting the Prologue right and why she had to rewrite it many times, her favorite essay in the collection, New York City during the pandemic, and much more.

In this interview, Elizabeth and I discuss It Was an Ugly Couch Anyway, narrating her audiobook, getting the Prologue right and why she had to rewrite it many times, her favorite essay in the collection, New York City during the pandemic, and much more.

Elizabeth's recommended reads are:

  1. Why We Read by Shannon Reed
  2. How to Stay Married by Harrison Scott Key

Check out my Summer Reading Guide for 2023 and my Houston Life segment.

Want to hear Elizabeth's spoiler-filled conversation with me (she chats about the essay that didn't make it in and what she learned about book categories)? Join my Lit Lovers Patreon group or purchase just our single conversation here.  Other ways to support the podcast can be found here.    

It Was an Ugly Couch Anyway can be purchased at my Bookshop storefront.     

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Elizabeth Passarella


Elizabeth Passarella is a magazine writer and the author of the essay collection Good Apple. She is a former editor at Real Simple, Vogue, and In Style, and is currently a contributing editor at Southern Living. Elizabeth is originally from Memphis, Tennessee, but has lived in New York City for 22 years. She and her husband are raising three kids in a two bedroom apartment.