My 17-page 2025 Winter Reading Guide is live! The guide contains 45 recent and upcoming releases plus new titles in book series, fiction/nonfiction pairings, stellar mystery series and some anticipated spring and summer releases. All of these will make great reads for this winter and many are books you won’t see many other places; I strive to find those under-the-radar gems. If you are interested, fill out the Google form and submit a tip of your choosing.

Adele Myers

Adele Myers Profile Photo


Adele Myers grew up in Asheville, North Carolina, and has a journalism degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her debut novel, THE TOBACCO WIVES, is based on her childhood in North Carolina tobacco country. Her grandmother was a hairdresser for the wives of wealthy, tobacco magnates in Winston-Salem in the 1940s, and tales of these women inspired THE TOBACCO WIVES.

Feb. 26, 2022


Adele and I discuss The Tobacco Wives, the dangers the tobacco companies knowingly ignored and covered up, her stunning cover, the role marketing and advertising plays in shaping public perception, her favorite character to write in the book, and much more.
Guest: Adele Myers