In this interview, I chat with Sy Montgomery about What the Chicken Knows , her title and cover, why she loves chickens so much, what she wants her readers to take away from this book, how each flock has its own vibe, and muc...
In this interview, I chat with Julie Satow about When Women Ran Fifth Avenue , deciding to write about these women, her research, getting the cover right, how her title came about, and much more. Julie's recommended reads are...
In this interview, I chat with Ann Leary about I've Tried Being Nice , why she decided to write this essay collection, how she is trying to no longer be a people pleaser, how hard it can be to get along with people as an intr...
In this interview, I chat with Clare Mackintosh about I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This , how grief changes your identity, structuring this memoir, how her titles and cover came about, the differences and similarities ...
In this interview, I chat with Deborah Jackson Taffa about Whiskey Tender , telling an intersectional story, portraying blended backgrounds versus oversimplifying the Native experience, weaving history into her own story, wha...
In this interview, I chat with Julie Chavez about Everyone But Myself, her publishing journey including working with Zibby Books, what surprised her the most about writing a memoir, how involved the editing process can be, her title and cover, and much more.
In this interview, I chat with Mackenzie Funk about The Hank Show, how he first learned about Hank Asher and then decided to write about him, how our personal data is accumulated and used today and how it all began, his research, the initial way that this data collection was put to use, and much mo…
In this interview, I chat with Jen Golbeck and Stacey Colino about The Purest Bond, how they came to write this book together, the physical, cognitive, emotional and social benefits of owning a dog, the gorilla basketball video on YouTube, creating the Golden Ratio, the science behind the human/dog…
In this interview, I chat with Matt Singer about Opposable Thumbs, writing about Siskel & Ebert, how the two were trailblazers and the legacy they left, where the show can be watched today, whether it is best to read a book before or after watching the screen adaptation, and much more.
In this interview, I chat with Laurence Leamer about Hitchcock's Blondes, why he decided to write this book, his research, interviewing Eva Marie Saint and Kim Novak, the upcoming screen adaptation of Capote's Women, what surprised him the most when writing this one, and much more.
In this interview, I chat with Meg Kissinger about While You Were Out, why she decided to write this book, how the health care system often fails those with mental illness, what surprised her the most when writing this memoir, living with parents who have mental illnesses, her title and its signifi…
In this interview, I chat with Greg Glasgow and Kathryn Mayer about Disneyland on the Mountain , how they learned about Mineral King and decided to write about it, Walt Disney's vision for a ski resort, putting the Mineral Ki...
In this interview, Elizabeth and I discuss It Was an Ugly Couch Anyway, narrating her audiobook, getting the Prologue right and why she had to rewrite it many times, her favorite essay in the collection, New York City during the pandemic, and much more.
In this interview, Kim and I discuss Lexington, his impact on the sport of horse racing today, what happened to Lexington after he retired from racing, elk antlers and their significance in racing, horse racing in the 1800s, and much more.
In this interview, Ava and I discuss Mott Street, the Chinese Exclusion Act, her family's close connection to Mott Street and how 49 of her family members have lived in this one building on the street, the importance of oral histories, how she is a 5th generation Chinese-American, and much more.