My Summer Reading Guide is live! It highlights 45 fabulous books that I have read and loved that will make great reads for this summer. The guide is 12 pages long, details why I am recommending each book, who that book will appeal to and more. And you can print it to take with you to the book store or library! Click on this link to purchase it.



Philip and I discuss The Appalachian Trail, crafting the history of the trail from the perspective of the people who built it and how and why they did so, the difficulty of knitting together a very long and narrow space that traverses many landscapes, Bill Bryson and his impact on the Appalachian Trail, and much more.

Philip and I discuss The Appalachian Trail, crafting the history of the trail from the perspective of the people who built it and how and why they did so, the difficulty of knitting together a very long and narrow space that traverses many landscapes, Bill Bryson and his impact on the Appalachian Trail, and much more.

Philip’s recommended reads are:

  1. This Is Chance!: The Shaking of an All-American City, A Voice That Held It Together by Jon Mooallem
  2. A Dream about Lightning Bugs: A Life of Music and Cheap Lessons by Ben Folds
  3. A Tale of Love and Darkness by Amos Oz

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If you enjoyed this episode and want to listen to more episodes, try Joe Berkowitz, Eric Eyre, Julia Cooke, Tovah Feldhshuh, and Ly Tran.

The Appalachian Trail can be purchased at the Conversations from a Page Bookshop storefront.     


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